Love from Afar


God is love. This sentence completely changed my life. I first heard “God is love” while living in Iran as a bewildered Muslim. I never knew God, Himself, is love.

The Bible tells us in 1 John 4 that God is love and because of His love, we should also love one another. He first loved us and gave His Son for us. It’s been more than twelve years since I first learned this truth, and I am still in awe of this reality. I stand in amazement of the gift of this beautiful love of our Savior, Jesus. I didn’t deserve this love, but this is His grace on display for you and me.  

Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” How did Jesus demonstrate this for us? While we were still dead in our sins, Christ died for us. Jesus told us to show His love to the world. He said, “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Doing this, of course, comes with a cost.

Jesus asks us to enter by the narrow gate. It is not easy. Making the decision to follow Jesus in Iran cost me everything. I walked away from the embrace of my family, relationships with friends, the familiar sights and smells of my country, from everything I held dear and stepped into the difficult life of a refugee, seeking safety in a country unknown to me. Even in these hardships came blessing. These difficulties brought me closer to my Savior and have grown my faith and trust in Him. I know His love for me. His love made me stronger and gave me boldness to share His love with others.

Athens, Greece is now the place I call home. Here, God has given me new family, new friends, and a new country. I am here with one purpose. God’s assignment for me is to show His love to my people—those who pass through Athens on their way down the refugee highway to other countries, as well as those who are still in Iran.  

Think about the Samaritan woman at the well who met Jesus. Immediately she ran back to her village to tell her testimony of meeting Jesus. I met Jesus. I know His love. How can I not run to my people and tell them about the Savior of the world? How can I not share this love with my village, my people and my country? 

In Mark 5, after healing the demon possessed man, Jesus tells him to “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”  Jesus brought this man out of darkness and into the Light of His love and mercy.  Jesus did the same for me. He brought me out of darkness and into His mercy and light. How can I not shine this light to those in darkness? 

Jesus healed a man in John 9 who had been blind from birth. When questioned about his healing by the religious leaders, the man said, “One thing I do know.  I was blind but now I see!” A life of religious traditions and rituals left me blind to the Truth. But my eyes have been opened by His Spirit. I can see! Iran is a country full of precious souls who have been spiritually blind from birth.  How can I not lead them to the Healer of blind eyes?

Our Creator, by His grace, has given me the opportunity to be one of His ambassadors for Farsi-speaking people all over the world. God “has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:19). The parable of the man who found the treasure in the field resonates with me.  (Matthew 13:44-46).The Kingdom of God is the treasure. Jesus is worth more than anything this world has to offer. 

I spend my days inviting people to come taste and see the love of our Savior, the true treasure, encouraging them to be reconciled to God. I have witnessed firsthand thousands of Muslims coming to know their Savior through face to face interactions here in Greece, evangelism videos streamed into Europe and the Middle East, social media posts and countless messages and phone calls. And now, many of these former Muslims have gone into their worlds to make disciples, as Jesus commands us, teaching and training in their communities, leading churches, and making disciples wherever they go.  

The love of Christ knows no bounds. May His love touch the heart of every person. May they, too, come to know the saving power of King Jesus! May the blessing of our Lord, the fellowship of His Spirit, and the Love of our Father be with you all. 

Javad Jak fled Iran during the refugee crisis, which has now spanned many years as folks in the Middle East are seeking a new way of life in Europe and beyond. We are blessed to be able to work with him as a partner. Javad ministers and teaches at the Acro Center and Christ’s Love Persian Church in Athens, where he has also worked closely with missionaries Larry and Cathy Bowles. We look forward to continue working with him and can’t wait to see him again.


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