COVID Update: Kenya


The world has never been tested like what we have witnessed of late, when COVID-19 spread like a bush fire across the globe causing deaths in the thousands and suffering among all populations of the earth.

The church could have done much to help, but due to government restriction on movement and assembling, the depression has been witnessed in the lives of people here in Africa and in other parts of the world. What is needed during these tough times is to do good anyway and to alleviate the suffering in the world by telling stories of Jesus who is our living hope and full of compassion. 

In Colossians 5:12, we are reminded to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience while serving in our communities and overseas as we alleviate the suffering of the people. This can be done by praying for people affected by floods, earth quakes, famine, diseases, and other calamities in the world and by giving our time for the services to humanity in whatever way we can.

I have teamed up with the One Kingdom mission team from the USA to help people during the COVID-19 pandemic by doing the following:

  1. Teaching in local centers and homes on how to stay safe by following ministry of health guidelines.

  2. Supplying water tanks fitted with taps to communities in rural and urban areas.

  3. Supplying sanitizers in social centers and less fortunate persons homes.

  4. Distributing masks to poor people and the disabled communities.

  5. Offering counseling to parents and children as they go through the challenges brought by the pandemic.

  6. Administering relief to needy people during the pandemic, but also our recent flood victims.

  7. Using radio to teach people and give hope while in this transition period.

  8. Coordinating with other church ministers and community-based organizations on how to give psycho-social support to affected people to take care of themselves so that after  the pandemic they will be ready to serve in their organizations, churches, and various ministries of reconciliation.

In May 2020, we provided relief to flood victims in Nyando, Eldoret. We also helped with food and tree planting for the landslide victims in Kericho, Bomet, and Nakuru counties.

While writing this report, many families are still camping in local schools without basic amenities due to the flood, and they are also going through hard times while fighting COVID-19 by social distancing (which is not possible due to overcrowding). They need food, clothes, and mosquito nets since the rain is still pounding the region heavily.

Lately we have also witnessed a rise in domestic violence due to stress associated with the pandemic, and many suicide cases have been reported (especially among young people). In the last two weeks, we had to bury four young men in Nakuru County and three in Eldoret—not to mention other counties and unreported cases.

The government may give us permission to open the church soon, but with a lot of restrictions and conditions which might not be met by a small church (e.g. buying thermo guns and sanitizers as proposed by some groups here).

All in all, we know that God is in control and will help His people for the sake of His name.

May God bless One Kingdom staff and everyone who is praying for us and  contributing toward alleviating the suffering in the lives of people.

Grace and peace be unto you!

Charles Cheruiyot
One Kingdom Ambassador


The Mystery of Hope


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