Update on India


Last issue, we printed several stories from our Indian brothers and sisters revealing the terrible suffering many are facing in their country. Perhaps worse than the virus itself is the chaotic economic instability that is plaguing the entire nation.

In addition to our newsletter article spearheaded by Clayton Hartline, we sent emails, we sent appeal letters, and shared this tragic dilemma on social media. A great many of you responded with generous hearts, and because of this, we were able to raise $90,000 specifically for the crisis in India.

You’ve made a huge impact on these people, and we—as well as they—want to say thank you. Thank you for your love, your prayers, and your selfless giving.

The situation in India is still precarious, but you have given many people hope, and you have forever changed how they see the body of Christ at work.

Our partners there are hanging on. Right now, they are continuing to serve their communities by distributing much-needed food and medicines and by sharing the Gospel of Christ.

Please continue to pray for this situation and especially for these people—our fellow image-bearers of God. Many continue to suffer and starve, and many are unable to find work to provide for themselves and their families due to the government’s harsh lockdown.

Pray for this pandemic to end, for people’s health, and for people to be able to find work. Pray for our partners, speakers, and preachers in India who are on the front lines every day giving their time and hard work to serve their communities.

Again, we give thanks, and most of all, we thank God for providing opportunities to show His love.

God bless.


The Prodigal Son


Living in the Power of the Spirit: Part 1