Hope Through Rescue


In last quarter’s newsletter issue, we discussed the very idea of hope. As an organization, we aren’t just providing physical needs through mission work but bringing the hope of Jesus Christ to every corner of the Earth. You can see that one of the best ways to deliver hope is through rescue. When you meet someone at their deepest time of need, whether that’s after a disaster, or when they’re hungry or—better yet—when their own children are hungry, you touch a part of them that is so vulnerable, and it opens doorways to share the Gospel.

In Romans chapter 5 verses 3-4, we learn how hope is produced: “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Our hope comes from Jesus, but it is developed through persevering through sufferings. That’s why partnering with local leaders is so important. Perseverance is a learned behavior, and it is better developed in community with others persevering with you. This builds character, which then produces hope.

Hope springs faith and love (Colossians 1:5). It permeates all we do. Hope becomes the lens we see the world through. That’s the ‘why’ behind what we do at One Kingdom. We want every man, woman, and child to see the world through a hopeful lens. That’s a Biblical worldview.

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” –Colossians 1:13-14

You have been rescued. You’ve been rescued from your past, your sins—you’ve even been rescued from the grave. But you haven’t just been rescued from death, you’ve been rescued to life—Kingdom life.

We are all here on mission. Rescue produces hope. Hope springs faith and love. And all of those together are the best recipe for gratitude, and gratitude is where our worship begins. Our spiritual act of worship is to live our lives as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). And that’s how we take the Gospel to every nation and every language.

At the time of this writing, we have just completed a successful mission trip to Bucaramanga, Colombia to visit our partner Ricardo Martinez and his team. The ministry in Colombia is an excellent snapshot of many areas: preaching the Gospel and reaching people through this organization’s original, founding vision of World Radio (and now livestreams), relief and Biblical teaching through the Venezuelan refugee ministry, and discipleship within the network of churches who have bonded together to serve and glorify God. It was the body of Christ at work, and The Great Commission put into action.

We can’t wait to share more about the work in Colombia with you. Next issue, we will chronicle what we learned and experienced with our brother Ricardo. This work will also be featured via our usual channels such as our website, YouTube, and social media. Praise God for the work He is doing in this part of the world!

Thank you for your continued partnership with One Kingdom. Your support makes all these works possible. Please continue your prayers for this ministry and share with your family, friends, and church bodies about how God has pulled you into deeper waters. Share how He’s making an eternal impact with your outwardly focused hearts. Share the love and compassion of Jesus Christ in all that you do.

God bless you.


Now is the Time for Hope


Hope in Troubled Times